Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Memorial Donations for Nancy

Nancy and I had discussed her desires for those who wanted to make a donation in her memory. The 4 organizations listed below all had special meaning to her. This document, Donation Info - In Memory of Nancy Haunty, provides instructions for making a donation in Nancy’s memory to each organization.
  • The True Family Women’s Cancer Center / Swedish Cancer Institute / Swedish Medical Center Foundation - For the past 13 years, the Swedish Cancer Institute was more than an institution where Nancy received comprehensive and expert care. The staff and physicians were more like a medical family where she felt loved and in whom she felt a genuine trust.
  • Team Survivor Northwest - Prior to her introduction to Team Survivor Northwest (TSNW), Nancy did not consider herself to be athletic, and she was intimidated by the thought of a fitness routine or athletic goal. TSNW initially supplied her with support, structure, and encouragement; and it ultimately helped her develop confidence and meaningful relationships with other women cancer survivors. We’ll always be inspired by Nancy’s determination to achieve her goals, whether they are running multiple 1/2 marathons or summiting Mount Adams.
  • Harborview Mission of Caring Fund - Nancy personified kindness, grace, and charity. She felt a foundational connection with Harborview Medical Center’s core values and an incredible sense of pride in working for UW Medicine in support of that compassionate mission.
  • Street Youth Ministries - Her compassion and desire to put her faith to action led Nancy to volunteer for SYM prior to her initial breast cancer diagnosis. In SYM, Nancy was struck by unconditional love shown to these kids while ministering to their immediate and long-term needs.

Thank you for considering a donation in Nancy’s memory to one of these or another charitable organization of your desire. And I’d like to thank Nancy’s friend, Pam Davies, for pulling this all together.

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