Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Post cranio update

Nancy here again, happy to report I'm still doing well, continuing to get stronger each day.  We met with neurosurgeon, Dr. Srinivasan, on Friday and she reiterated what Jake posted earlier, that the post-surgical MRI showed the tumor was gone and all looks well.  She also told us the surgery was anything but routine due to the location of the tumor and the amount of blood vessels.  

Again, I can't say enough about how loved and supported Jake and I feel.  The meal delivery service is amazing.  Also, since the surgery happened to fall on my birthday, I've had a marathon of birthday celebrations.

Thank you, everyone!  Here's the caregiver-in-chief!!

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