Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Couple bumps in the road, but we're still going strong

No sooner had I posted how well things were going that I got my first terrible post-op headache in the middle of the night on Wed.  It came on suddenly and was quite severe, so I tried to wake Jake up to see whether we should call the doctor or tough it out, but it was nearly impossible to wake him up (he had a procedure earlier in the day for his back and was literally down for the count, not allowed to drive for 24 hours, so it was crazy for me to attempt it). Since I couldn't wake him, I took my pain meds, wrapped the heating pad around my head, and went back to sleep.  The next morning, I was still hurting and, because I'd taken pain meds on an empty stomach at 2am, had terrible nausea and couldn't keep anything down, not even a small sip of water.  After talking with the neurosurgeon's office around 8am, we were told to go to the ER to make sure I didn't have bleeding in the brain or some other horrid problem.  Quick CT showed a little swelling, nothing too impressive, but enough to give me a big dose of steroids, pain pills and anti-nausea drugs.  I'll follow up tomorrow morning with another CT and visit with the surgeon, but am doing much better now.

On a happier note, I went into the office on Friday for a social visit with my wonderful coworkers/friends.  Everyone kept commenting on how much color I had in my face and neck...wondering if I'd actually been on vacation in Hawaii versus out for brain surgery.  Turns out, it was those darn steroids!  I had a visit with Dr. Rinn right after and she noticed it right away, along with my puffy round face, which she assured me would go back to normal soon.  Amazing Dr. Rinn apologized for all the drama I've been through lately, but was incredibly reassuring (as she always is) that we will continue with the current plan of Aromasin and Affinitor.  She made me promise never to take percocet on an empty stomach again, even taking a couple crackers at 2am along with an anti-nausea med will be enough to ward off future trips to the ER.

As some of you know, Jake has been struggling with terrible back pain for four years now and while we are hopeful this latest procedure to cauterize the nerves in his back will help, he tweaked his back today and is in so much pain he literally can't move.  Since I'm on strict orders not to lift more than 10 pounds, you can imagine the comedy of me trying to "help" him get around.  We might as well be a couple old folks ready for the nursing home, but he toughed it out and is hopefully on the mend.

Thanks again for all the support and help...we really are doing well in spite of the ups and downs.  Here are a few of my favorite new photos, the bulldogs on top of Jonathan Adler ottomans (birthday present from my marathon of birthday celebrations), a photo of us pre-op on vacation in Santa Monica with my snazzy new wigh and enjoying birthday cake with friends.  Love to all, thanks again for supporting us!!

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