Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Letter from Jake: Day 3

Nancy's progress has continued. It seems that every time I go into her room, she is either gone (she was transferred to an intermediate care unit yesterday afternoon) or there are less tubes and wires attached to her. She has been awake and talking all day. I think she wanted to sleep, but I wanted to talk. She had her MRI this afternoon (good results). Her doctor just visited with some great news, she'll be discharged tomorrow morning! Nancy is ready to rest and recover in the comfort of her bed with her bulldogs and some home cooking (pita pizzas, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches). Oh, and Operation Lemon Cake was a huge success! It made her birthday celebration complete. Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and kind notes. Your support was pretty incredible and she was deeply touched. Have a great weekend! Jake

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