Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24th

celebrating Nancy
Many of us woke up this morning with a heavy heart, feeling a little anxious, and scared. I know I did, and my phone's been going crazy as friends and family fire off thoughts and prayers, and little notes of encouragement to pass along to Jake and Nancy.

I know a lot of you are coming to this Blog for updates and information. I'm going to try to keep as current as possible with information.

Here's what I know now: Sweet friends of Jake and Nancy arranged a downtown flat for them to stay last night because Nancy was at Swedish yesterday afternoon for a baseline MRI and attachment of reference points to her head. They'll be used to guide the probe to the tumor today. The surgery will happen sometime this afternoon.

Today is Nancy's birthday. Don't worry!! She got her cake and was totally celebrated and loved on.
Monday night was a surprise meal at Canlis, and the weekend was an outpouring from friends. We are all by your side, Nancy and Jake...


Kate said...

Jake texted an update from one of the OR nurses to say that it's going well.

Kate said...

The surgery is complete and successful. The neurosurgeon felt confident that she was able to get the cancerous tissue, and per plan she will have a follow-up cyber knife procedure. Nancy is still sleeping, and will do so for another hour or so. After being evaluated once she awakens, Nancy will be taken to the ICU to recover.

Kate said...

Nancy's doing great. In a lot of pain but now in ICU and resting. Should be there another 2 days before step down.