Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Dear friends and family,
My latest scan results are mixed and difficult to interpret.  Of the 7 visible tumors in my liver, 2 are slightly larger, 2 are slightly smaller, 2 are stable, and 1 is new.  We need a PET scan to really see what is going on, so I'll have a follow up scan in a couple weeks.  The glass-half-full scenario is that the increased size in the tumors is due to the chemo working, not the cancer getting worse.  Dr. Rinn said she learned this lesson long ago with liver tumors that sometimes you have to be patient.  She was not alarmed at all, just a bit disappointed that we didn't see the same response I had with Abraxane/Avastin, but she said to hold fast with Xeloda and give it a little more time to work.

I feel great, very few side effects, and I have to say this might be the easiest chemo I've had.  I'm a little bit tired and nauseated, though the latter is controlled with meds.  My hands and feet are good, just a little more dry than normal, but Udder Cream works miracles.  I'm still upbeat that Xeloda will do the trick and agree with Dr. Rinn that we just need a little more time and a little more data from the scans.  

Thanks to everyone for your continued support!!



Encabler said...

We think about you often, Guys. Wish we could be there to give you hugs in person. Maybe you don't feel our support in your lives on a daily basis, but your strength and perseverance is daily support in ours.
Nina & Scott

Beverly said...

Nancy and Jake tonight I am thinking about you with the deepest love and know you are faceing this difficult time with your ususal strength and wisdom. We look forward to your time with us in Palm Springs soon with great anticipation.