Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Team Fancy Nancy

Dear family and friends, thanks again for checking in and continuing to follow the ups and downs.  From the last post, you might recall I was able to squeak onto a clinical trial for a newly approved oral medication.  Dr. Rinn was willing to give it a shot, even though it was a long shot, because I needed a break from chemo and the clinical trial was my only hope for ever getting to try this drug.  I was on the drug for about 2 months, but unfortunately my tumor markers continued to rise, so we knew it wasn't effective.  I had a scan and sure enough, additional tumors in my liver showed up along with some existing ones that had gotten larger.  Oh well, it was worth a shot, but now I'm back on the nasty chemo I was taking before (combo of Taxotere/Cytoxin).

In other news, you might recall they were keeping an eye on some spots in my brain, which all got larger, plus a few more popped up.  Yesterday, I had gamma knife (radiation) on a grand total of 11 lesions.  The procedure went fine and I feel remarkably well.

Backing up a bit, you might remember from my last post that I've started running again.  The break from chemo was exactly what I needed to get rolling on my goal of completing a half marathon.  Lucky for me, I've got lots of cheerleaders and support!!  My friend, Jennifer, plans to run with me in the Rock and Roll half marathon in about a month.  If that isn't enough, my two amazing sisters-in-law, Molly and Kate, have formed "Team Fancy Nancy" and for the See Jane Run half marathon in mid-July.  We've decided to do some fund raising for Team Survivor to celebrate the event.  You can make a donation and follow our progress at the Team Fancy Nancy website.  THANK YOU!!