Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Eventful few weeks

Dear family and friends, thanks as always for checking in and keeping track of all the ups and downs of our crazy journey.  As Kate posted on the last entry, I switched treatments and started a new chemo called Gemzar.  By all accounts, it should have been as mild and easy to tolerate as Navelbine, but it seems that I am allergic to it.  I've basically felt like a truck rolled over me for the past few weeks, lots of aches/pains, terrible headaches, and skin reaction....and now my hair is falling out in handfuls, which isn't supposed to happen.

We had a good meeting with Dr. Rinn yesterday and decided to go in a different direction.  We are going to try an endocrine (hormone) therapy called aromasin, plus a targeted therapy called affinitor (aka everolimus).  Affinitor is the drug I tried to get about 18 months ago, before it was officially blessed by the FDA, but had so many challenges with insurance we gave up.  Affinitor is now FDA approved, so we shouldn't have any problems.

My headaches are a mystery.  We are trying some different things to see if we can get them under control.  Dr. Rinn prescribed massage therapy, you gotta' love a doctor who orders you go to the spa! We're also trying a round of steroids.  My next brain scan is about a month out, so we'll see if that gives any helpful information.

In non-cancer news, we had a fabulous trip to Nashville to visit with family.  In spite of feeling a little under the weather, it was great spending time with family.  Our sweet little niece, Ainslie June, celebrated her first birthday with strawberry cake, made from scratch by Aunt Katie.  Niece Sadie, planned a birthday celebration with a hoedown theme...how adorable?!?  All the kids, plus Uncle Jake and Uncle Jimbo, played in the pool for hours on end in the wonderful warm sunshine.  It was wonderful to spend time with Kate/Grant and Jimbo/Molly for the weekend along with the kids.  Wish we had more time with them as we all live so far apart, but it sure makes us appreciate the time we do have.
Nephew Jack and Niece Sadie

Nephew Graham, Jake, and Nephew Duncan

Sis-in-law Molly, Nephew Jack and Niece Ainslie
Nancy, Ainslie, Graham, Sadie, Jack, Jake, and Duncan

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

new arsenal

Just a quick update to let you know that there has been a little uptick in Nancy's liver mets. Basically that means that her oncologist is switching her chemo meds as of this afternoon. Nancy and Jake are not discouraged, but as always, they are lifted by your thoughts and prayers. Specifically, that this new drug, Gezmar, will be effective. 

One of the hardest aspects about this fight is that period of not knowing-- waiting for results. But one of the many inspiring qualities about Jake and Nancy is their steadfast patience and perspective. This weekend, during one of those "wait for results" times, they got to do something really fun. They spent Saturday night ON Safeco field dining with Russell Wilson and other new Seahawk friends! 

I'm sure those players enjoyed their company.

(photo courtesy of the "super nice" kicker!!!)