It's official. Monday, May 21st, Nancy will be honored and celebrated for "going to bat" against cancer at the Seattle Mariner's game. A colleague and friend of Jake nominated Nancy with the following story, and she was selected! Go Nancy! You are such an inspiration! We love you, and you are my hero!
Nancy Haunty, the wife of one of my co-workers, has been going to bat against breast cancer for the past 9 ½ years. In 2002, Nancy was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had surgery, radiation therapy, and 6 months of chemo. Once Nancy's hair returned, went back to her 'normal life'. All was going well until 2007, when Nancy had a local recurrence of her cancer. This time, Nancy had a mastectomy followed by another 6 months of chemo. Following her treatment, Nancy and her oncologist chose to have a mastectomy on her unaffected breast followed by reconstructive surgery.
She recovered well and 'took the field' in her cancer-free life. In September 2009, Nancy was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer: metastases in her liver, lungs and spine. Her 6-month treatment went well, and she 'took the field' again. Last week, Nancy learned the cancer had spread to her brain. She finds herself stepping into the batter's box yet again with a positive outlook and an Ichiro-like focus.
Nancy has been going to bat against cancer for women in the Seattle area. She became actively engaged in local organizations that help women with breast cancer in real ways: financial assistance, caring baskets, and group physical activities. She even traveled to Washington, DC last year to testify to the FDA for a drug that hit a home run against her Stage 4 cancer. Nancy's passion is to support other women who are going through experiences that are like her experience with cancer over the past 9 ½ years.