Fall 2009: Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's breast cancer was stage four. Winter 2013: They are still fighting. This is a gathering place to follow their story, offer support, love and prayers... to be by their side.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A note from Jake and Nancy

As Nancy and Jake head into this informative week, they hope to learn the pathology results and begin the treatment course. Nancy sent the following note to post. As an aside, we will be adding more days on the calendar for meals, so if you haven't been able to sign up for one of the dates listed, there will be more opportunities to do so. Particularly as Nancy is underway with treatments, there will be a huge need for our support. Please contact Molly (email on sidebar) if you are not linked to the calendar.
Hey everyone,

THANK YOU so much for the overwhelming generosity of "Operation Dinner". It has been absolutely incredible and we are grateful beyond words to have such an amazing network of family and friends taking care of us. Above is a picture of the bulldogs begging for their treats (thanks also to Jack and Lynne for treating Rose and Yoyo).
This will be a big week. I'm having my port "reinstalled" or whatever the right term is and thankfully it will be by the same surgeon who has successfully done this for me twice before. A lot of patients have ports inserted by interventional radiologists (the same folks who do liver biopsies - yikes!), so I'm breathing a sigh of relief I don't have to darken their doorstep again. Speaking of the biopsy, my oncologist, Dr. Rinn, is pushing the pathologists really hard to get answers from the tissue they got on Tuesday rather than subjecting me to another procedure. We should know early this week if I need another biopsy (fingers crossed we won't). Either way, chemo will probably start on Thursday this week.
All things considered, we are doing well. We continue to be amazed at how fortunate we are to have such incredible family and friends. We feel your support 110% and it helps us get through. The meals have been delicious and such a help to us since I don't feel up to shopping or cooking. The blog has been really helpful for us too since it is difficult to keep everyone in the loop. We love you guys so much and it is fun for us to read your comments on the posts and guestbook.
Blessings and hugs all around - Nancy and Jake.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Consult with Oncologist

Nancy and Jake had a long day at the hospital, and here's what Nancy shared upon her return:

I did not have chemo today because we don't have a complete answer from my liver biopsy, but that's okay we'll start next week. The biopsy sample was not very good in spite of their best efforts (I assure you they tried, it woke me up from anesthesia to my protests...ouch!). Dr. Rinn thought this was due to necrosis in the liver, which sounded pretty bad to me, but she didn't seem too upset by it. Worst case they might need to repeat the biopsy, but honestly I am okay with that.

I was a little relieved not to have chemo today because I am still sore from the biopsy. My pain has is decreased a lot - it only hurts when I breath deeply or laugh, so don't send me any funny YouTube clips please. I'm kidding of course - laughter is exactly what we need. Luanne sent me a hilarious one of kittens - Jake and I were crying we were laughing so hard!

Dr. Rinn was quite encouraging today. First, my brain MRI is normal, which we expected, but is still a relief. Also, we got an update on a test called CTC (circulating tumor cells), which came back very low (low is good with this test). I am scheduled to have my port put back in early on Tues morning and we are all set for chemo on next Thursday morning. I will lose my hair again with this chemo, but it will be more gradual versus my first time where it came out all at once.

All in all, we are doing really well. The bulldogs are keeping us entertained. Rose, who has been through chemo with me twice before, is especially sweet.

We all share in the relief that the MRI was normal and that the CTC test came back so low! This is good news!

From the hospital

Jake and Nancy are waiting to find out the news from Nancy's biopsy and to figure out whether starting chemo is a "go" today. Nancy is feeling a little better. Jake sent these pictures from his phone while they were in the waiting room. Click on the picture on the left, and you will see that this is Nancy's quote.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Determining the next step

Yesterday Nancy underwent the biopsy on her liver to determine the pathology of the cancer. The inflamed tissue from the procedure caused her a great deal of pain, so she was admitted to the hosptial overnight to help manage this. She is doing much better now, and Jake is on his way to pick her up. This afternoon they will go in for the head MRI. Based on the pathology and the MRI, Nancy's oncologist will set the treatment course. She will make a "game-time decision" on chemotherapy tomorrow (which course and whether or not they commence tomorrow), based on these pieces of information and on how Nancy is feeling.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The First Post

As you know, on September 16, Jake and Nancy learned that Nancy's cancer had returned. A PET scan showed that there are two growths on her spine, a spot on her liver and  one on her lungs. We (Molly and Kate) have started this blog to provide you, friends and family with updates on Nancy and Jake (and Princess Rose and JoJo). It is also a place for any thoughts, prayers, psalms, poems, song lyrics ... and especially words of encouragement!

Use your technological voice to bring strength to this fight and to bring love to Nancy and Jake. Please pass this link along to other family and friends to make sure everyone is in the loop and to provide everyone a forum for well-wishes and encouragement.

We'll update the site as often as possible so informnation can be disseminated with ease (and fewer story repetitions).

The next step for them will be a biopsy on the cells to determine the best course of treatment. In the meantime, please continue to pray for them as they suit up for battle. Please let them know that we are all be their side...